Greetings from Our New Board President Michael Felix

Michael Felix
Michael Felix

It is an incredible honor to begin my service as the new USC Associates Board of Directors president. I am deeply honored to accept the leadership reins from my esteemed predecessor and friend, Rod Nakamoto. Rod’s commitment and dedication to the Trojan Family has been truly inspiring, and I am grateful for his exceptional service and leadership.

As we celebrate 65 years of philanthropy, I am reminded of the enduring legacy of the USC Associates. This milestone is a testament to our members’ support and generosity, significantly impacting the USC community. Reflecting on my own journey, I first joined USC Associates in 2008 after being introduced to the group by a work colleague who was a board member. I was completely sold on the mission and membership of this esteemed group of passionate Trojans. As a student, I recall wondering every game day what attending a USC Associates football picnic would be like. Since then, my family and I have attended many picnics and other events. I’m always impressed by the energy and camaraderie of my fellow Associates, all passionate believers in USC and the Trojan Family. I am forever grateful for the many ways USC has enriched my own life and family.

The USC Associates team has been busy planning dynamic programs nationwide. I hope you will join us on the road and at the many programs scheduled on campus — including our most attended events, the USC Associates Football Picnics in Founders Park. A calendar of events is always available on the USC Associates website, and I invite you to check that site regularly as new events are added throughout the year.

We always want to grow our membership and welcome new members into our USC Associates family. I encourage each of you to refer friends and colleagues to join us. Your referrals and enthusiasm help us expand our reach and continue our mission of supporting USC.

I am deeply grateful for my history with the Associates. I am moved by the opportunity to lead such an important group at USC, whose members inspire me with their Trojan Spirit and generosity at every turn. I thank you for your unwavering support and look forward to welcoming new members. I hope to see you soon! Thank you for all that you do, and…

Fight On!

Michael Felix ’83
USC Associates Board of Directors

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