Coming Full Circle in a Career She Loves

Chloe Reid

Chloe Reid

Senior Director of Development
USC Gould School of Law

Chloe Reid has been at the USC Gould School of Law for almost 18 years, and always remembers the day in January that she started, since it was her birthday.

She spent her first 10 years at USC Gould as dean of admissions, and derived great enjoyment from working with students and helping them make their dreams come true.

“Truth is, they were like an extension of my family. I’ve been to countless weddings and even watched their children grow. And now as a fundraiser, I get to see them as alumni with successful careers. It’s like I’ve come full circle with them; many still call me ‘Dean Reid,’ even though I no longer have that title.”

Chloe has now moved up to senior director of development. After a decade in her previous job, she was looking for a new challenge. She consulted with the then brand-new dean at Gould—Andrew T. Guzman (now USC Provost Guzman!)—about exploring a different position.

“He was open to it, and so was our chief development officer, Robin Maness. With their support and the belief and that I could do it, I transitioned over to the Development and Alumni Affairs office.” 

Chloe also credits her promotion to hard work, caring about what she does and doing her “absolute best.” In addition, she notes, “I played well with others in the sandbox. I was innovative and creative and always tried to make things better and more efficient. I stood up for colleagues and shared information and knowledge. And I helped students and staff along the way, by doing a lot of mentoring.”

“For my entire career after finishing law school,” she continues, “I’ve worked in legal education, primarily student affairs. I’ve always found myself working with alumni in some capacity. I’m intrigued by the work and aware that it’s all connected: alumni relations, stewardship, giving, all of it.” 

What does she tell fellow employees about moving up the USC ladder? “I believe you first have to have a love for higher education and the power that it has to enrich people’s lives. Second, you can’t be afraid to ask questions, so network and get to know your colleagues. Don’t confine yourself to a silo; who knows when you’ll need someone from another department or unit. And third, avail yourself of the wide variety of resources in central advancement—workshops, conferences, the great books we can check out at our advancement retreats—just to name a few.”

All told, Chloe loves her staff and co-workers at Gould, plus all the friends she’s made across campus. “My colleagues at USC are extraordinarily supportive and giving folks!”

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